- Name of the work: Santa Barbara – parish church
- Location of the work: Llaranes, Avilés
- Date of completion of the work: 1954
- Author: Manuel Cárdenas
- Investigator: Noelia Fernández García
- Search on the map: Ecclesiastical heritage

Work collected in: Fernández García, Noelia. De la reconstrucción a la renovación. La arquitectura religiosa durante el franquismo en Asturias (1938-1965). Gijón: Trea, 2021.
Parish church built for the town of Llaranes, linked to the establishment of the ENSIDESA company, within the paternalistic industrial policies.
Projected by the architect Manuel Cárdenas in 1954, his first design was rejected for having elements considered too vernacular for religious architecture, mainly in the case of the top of the bell tower simulating a granary. Despite the simplification of its forms in the final project, this church can still be related to others in which the influence of popular architecture is evident, such as San Juan de Duz (Colunga).
Its mural paintings stand out, made by Javier Clavo Gil, with a clear influence of cubism and expressionism and themes from the Old and New Testaments.
Fernández García, Noelia.“Llaranes, a town created by industrial paternalism under Franco’s regime in the 1950s” en La Città Altra. Storia e immagine della diversità urbana:luoghi e paesaggi dei privilegi e del be nessere, dell’isolamento, del disagio, della , multiculturalità, 801-809. Nápoles: Federico II University Press, 2018.