- Name of the work: Eduardo Úrculo Municipal Art Gallery
- Location of the work: Langreo
- Date of completion of the work: 2007
- Author: Eduardo Casariego (remodeling by Jovino Martínez Sierra)
- Investigator: Lucía Pérez Fernández
- Search on the map: Industrial Heritage

Collected in: Pérez Fernández, Lucía, «Recuperación y rehabilitación de espacios industriales en desuso como equipamientos culturales: el caso asturiano. Trabajo Fin de Máster, Universidad de Oviedo, 2021.
The current Langreo art gallery is located in the set of buildings that formerly served as the council's macelo. Original physical testimony of the industrialization process in the area, it was one of the buildings that survived the turn of the millennium despite falling into disuse over the decades: when the authorities had to make a decision in which the options were demolish or refunction, it was decided to give the building a second chance by turning it into a space dedicated to art exhibitions. The project was entrusted to the Gijón architect Jovino Martínez Sierra, who more than solved the task of carrying out a subtle and respectful intervention with the initial appearance of the complex.
Pérez Fernández, Lucía, «Recuperación y rehabilitación de espacios industriales en desuso como equipamientos culturales: el caso asturiano. Trabajo Fin de Máster, Universidad de Oviedo, 2021.