- Name of the work: Ciudad vacacional de Perlora
- Location of the work: Carreño
- Date of completion of the work: 1956
- Author: Federico and Francisco Somolinos, Miguel Díaz Negrete, Julio Galán or Fernando Cavanilles, among others.
- Investigator: Aida Villa Varela
- Search on the map: Industrial Heritage

Work collected in: Villa Varela, Aida. «Ciudad vacacional de Perlora: Movimiento Moderno y paternalismo social durante el franquismo». Del espacio a la identidad. Patrimonios y humanidades en el S. XXI, 149-168. León: Universidad de León, 2021.
Plan initiated with the construction of the Jacobo Campuzano Residence in 1949 and consolidated with the plans of the Somolinos Brothers for the Residential City in 1956. This project is not the only one linked to the Education and Leisure Union Work (OSED) that is being built in Franco's Spain, but there are two others in Tarragona and Malaga respectively.
Perlora responds to the vacation needs of some employees of various national companies such as ENSIDESA or HUNOSA, and also to the regime's need to maintain controlled leisure.
The various chalets that make up the set, in addition to auxiliary facilities such as dining rooms, changing rooms, church or playground, are executed under the precepts of the Modern Movement with architects of the height of Federico and Francisco Somolinos, Miguel Díaz Negrete, Julio Galán or Fernando Cavanilles.