- Name of the work: Hornos de Fosa and Naves de Laminación de ENSIDESA
- Location of the work: Avilés
- Date of completion of the work:
- Author: Carlos Fernández Casado and Amalio Hidalgo
- Investigator: Aida Villa Varela
- Search on the map: Industrial Heritage

Work collected in: Villa Varela, Aida. “Las construcciones de ENSIDESA en los márgenes de la Ría de Avilés: pasado, presente y, ¿futuro?”. Paisajes portuarios: Avilés y Bilbao. Arquitectura y Patrimonio. Gijón: Trea, 2022. (In press).
The Hornos de Fosa building is a clear example of the architecture of the Modern Movement combining functionality and stylistic will. On the west side there are ten brick chimneys and on the east the seven rolling warehouses, made of reinforced concrete and a prefabricated structure, also rationalist. Both the pit hall building and the lamination hall building have external wall decorations of neoplasticist inspiration.